Art is the Reason

about us

upcoming adventures in art


Mixed Media

Colorful tile, bottle caps, wine corks and glass bottles are just a few of the awesome materials we use to create one of a kind art.


Wall Quotes

Choosing the perfect font can make a big statement. Our expertise with type will create a bold impact in your space.

Michelle Zanolini is an accomplished artist with extensive experience in Fine Art, Graphic Design and Art Direction. 
A graduate of The University of the Arts in Philadelphia, PA
and owner of Visual Artistry and Tree2Sea Artistry formerly
​in the Painted Tree Marketplace. Michelle was a longtime
Art Teacher in the Shack O'Arts & Visual Artistry Studios
​and Holly Springs Cultural Center. It is Michelle's belief that anything can be transformed with paint and welcomes every opportunity to do so.

Classic Automobile Customization

Michelle is excited to expand her art business to include hand painting vintage logos/artwork and pinstriping on classic vehicles. In addition, Michelle paints cars and trucks on antique windows for classic car enthusiasts. These beautiful treasures make wonderful gifts for display in homes and garages.